Thursday, November 22, 2012

What I'm Thankful For

  • My family, and their health. 
  • My health! I'm in the best shape of my adult life and only getting better every day, and I feel amazing. Such a change.
  • The 28 Thanksgivings I had with Dad. These last two have been hard but I'm grateful for the ones I had.
  • Massage school; it changed my life in a direction I could have never anticipated.
  • Indoor plumbing. For reals.
  • Wine.
  • Ting. And vodka. And the two of them put together.
  • My amazing spa team back at Solei. I miss my girls and am lucky to have worked with such a great group.
  • My team here at Sole'. They have been so welcoming and patient, and I once again have the privilege to say that I truly love my job and look forward to going to work.
  • Jenni...for 8 million different reasons.
  • Toni. This transition has been so smooth largely because of my boss. I love that when I tell people I work for her, they immediately light up and go on and on about how great she and her husband are. It's nice to know I work with the best kind of people.
  • My best friend, my PIC, the gin to my tonic - my sister.
  • That I come from a country where I have the freedom to think, speak, act, worship, etc how I want and believe. 
  • That I had the opportunity to move to a foreign country and start my life over...and it's actually working out!
  • The kindness of others. I have been so blessed with the best people in my life, both friends and strangers, and I don't take any of it for granted. 
  • Marian. :) 
  • Scully's awesome foster family. They LOVE her and it sounds like she's happy as a clam. 
  • Sunshine and warmth every day. God, it is glooooorious!
  • My roommate Rob. He's a good guy and an easy person to live with. Perfect match!
  • Rob's impressive movie/tv download collection. We're working through Game of Thrones right now. Soooo good.
  • Facial guests with massive extractions. YESSSS.
  • Friends back in the States.
  • New friends here in Tortola.
  • Having Sundays off.
  • My impressive lung capacity and breath control (Mom, all those years of singing and training did pay off!) which is helping out with my diving.
  • All the babies that are being born to my friends and loved ones! You guys are killing me with the cute pictures and countdown calendars. 
  • Never having to wear socks (unless I'm running). 
  • Being able to see the water every single day. 
  • Being able to go to the beach just about whenever I want.
  • Happiness.
  • Internet! I love that I was able to virtually hangout with my whole family this afternoon on Thanksgiving. 
  • New beginnings and second chances. 
  • Roti.
  • That I finally seem to be getting my "island blood" and the bug bites are decreasing. Not gone, but at least it's better!
  • That what most people call a vacation, I now call home.
Happy Thanksgiving from the Caribbean! I was able to celebrate with a shit ton of other people at a friend's place and had a fabulous time. Turkey, stuffing, potatoes, pie...the whole works. While I missed being with my family, and I miss my dad even more, I would say that my first holiday as an expat went off without a hitch. 

We'll see how I feel when Christmas rolls around...


  1. What is this Ting you speak of...often...?

    1. Ting is Caribbean grapefruit soda. Like Squirt, but better!
